
Monday, December 9, 2013

An interesting thought about Joseph in the Torah


I was walking back after a Shalom Zachor on Friday night and Rabbi Wasserzug told me a small yet important insight that was brought down by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky : that on promoting Joseph to the position of Viceroy of Egypt - Pharoh  changed Josephs name!

Genesis chapter 41 v 45

45. And Pharaoh named Joseph Zaphenath Pa'neach, and he gave him Asenath the daughter of Poti phera, the governor of On, for a wife, and Joseph went forth over the land of Egypt.

The brothers would have recognised Joseph by name, we see that Hashem takes cares of even small details to ensure his devine plans come together.

Chapter 42 v 1
Jacob saw that there was grain being sold in Egypt; so Jacob said to his sons, "Why do you appear satiated?"

We according to Rabbi Aurbach learn out that this passuk teaches us, even though Jacob's home still had some food while the people around never had any left and were forced to go to Egypt, Jacob through the Torah is teaching us to not be conspicuous in what we have, as this will draw negative resentment and envy amongst others who see we are better off. 

Genesis ch 42 v7 reads

7. And Joseph saw his brothers, and he recognized them, but he made himself a stranger to them, and he spoke to them harshly, and he said to them, "Where do you come from?" And they said, "From the land of Canaan to purchase food."

Ch 45 v 3

3. And Joseph said to his brothers, "I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?" but his brothers could not answer him because they were startled by his presence.

I am Joesph - all was silent all made sense - they realised G-d indeed had manipulated events the puzzle came together - indeed Hashem had been fair all along, they understood all the suffering!

So will it be at the end of our days.  Rabbi Warren Goldstein drew an interesting parallel between the story of Joseph which has now come to its completion in our shuls, and the passing of Nelson Mandela of South Africa. This week the former president was taken off ventilation and allowed to return to our Creator.  Both Joseph and he were imprisoned yet charmed their way out and into position of grand leadership.  Both Forgave their pursuers, only G-d knows if this is a coincidence the Torah testifies to Joseph's greatness - yet it is an interesting thought to ponder...! 

Be well


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