
Thursday, January 17, 2013

The 10 plagues - Impacting all layers of creation!


Blog entry 2 – the Cause of all Causes: the L-rd of hosts blessed be he
A look into the 10 plagues’ the judgements taken against Egypt on displaying miracles and wonders and freeing the Israelites and taking them as his nation

Rabbi Azriel Goldfein of blessed memory  quoting a Meharal indicated that Hashem displayed his full mastery over the layers of creation in a very clear and profound way:
1.       Water to Blood – Water is found in the depths below land
2.       Frogs – Living Creatures that are born in the waters
3.       Lice – striking dust gave rise to one of the smallest of visible creatures that are on the surfaces of the land
4.       Wild beasts – Living creatures and animals that walk the land
5.       Pestilence – Air borne diseases micro bacteria in the air of the world infecting animals
6.       Boils – Air born diseases,arose from heat in the air furnace soot led to micro bacteria in the air of the world infecting both animals and higher beings the humans
7.       Hail – Displaying his mastery over the areas of sky and clouds that is of the lower heavens
8.       Locusts – The creator controls living creatures who fly in the skies, it states all the earth and it was dark from the number of locusts the sky was full of them! 
9.       Darkness – Above the skies are the heavens displayed control over the heavenly world the lumanaries
10.   Death of the first born – Control over life of his living creations the hidden spiritual world
Don’t be surprised that the locusts follow the Hail in the skies as the creator normally brings the creations following the environment:
Rashi of blessed memory describes in the order of creation as displayed in Genesis:
On day 1 G-d first made the light and dark and then only on day 4 the sun and the moon
On day 2 G-d split the waters into upper (sky) and lower (seas) and only on day 5 created birds and fish
On day 3 the waters retract and land and vegetation come to be,  on Day 6 Animals and man are created to live on these lands.
Rashi indicates the significance of the Seven days and the day of rest the Sabbath is a day to become a partner with our creator, on that day when man rests he thereby acknowledges the wonder that is creation and gives thanks to his creator the sovereign power the source of our existence.
Have a blessed day
PSALM 104 - Describes the beauty of creation by King David

Below are other insights I picked up on another Blog written by Benji Landau sourced from the Kli Yakar - stunning insight into the words used in the Torah by G-d to Moses in Parsha Vaeira:

Written by Benji Landau   
This Parsha sees the beginning of the process of redemption. Despite great expectations however, the Parsha ends somewhat anticlimactically 
The Kli Yakar says that apart from the actual leaving from Egypt, another component of the Redemption was that Paroh should come to certain theological realisations. What exactly were the principles Paroh denied? The Kli Yakar mentions three specific claims that Paroh made. 1. That H’ does not exist. 2. Even if there is a G-D, He does not involve Himself with the minor events that occur in the world, being that he such a lofty and elevated Being. 3. That H’ has no ability to overcome nature.
We know from the Hagadda that the ten plagues are divided into three groups. At the beginning of each group, H’ expresses to Moshe that with these plagues Paroh will be forced to acknowledge and accept H’ total supremacy in the world and over nature. Before the first group the Posuk says בזאת תדע כי אני ה', ‘so that Paroh should know I am H’’. This is in direct response to Paroh’s first claim, that H’ does not exist. The purpose of the first three plagues is to confirm the existence if H’. Therefore, these plagues involve the Nile, the supposed god of the Egyptians, thereby showing that there is a being more powerful than the god of Egypt.
At the beginning of the second group of plagues H’ says למען תדע כי אני ה' בקרב הארץ, ‘so that Paroh will know I am H’ amidst the land’. This comes as a response to Paroh’s second claim that even if H’ exists, He is not actively supervising matters in the world. Therefore, H’ says ‘I am H’ amidst the land’, in other words actively involved in everything that happens in the world. That is why in this group of plagues we are informed that H’ separated between Yisroel and the Egyptians, as a way of proving His personal supervision of events in the world.
Finally, before the final group of plagues H’ says that this will show Paroh כי אין כמוני בכל הארץ, ‘there is nothing on Earth like H’’. This rebuts Paroh’s claim that H’ does not have the ability to overcome nature. We now understand why the Redemption must involve the process of the ten plagues. Why, though, does the Parsha end before the plagues have been completed?
The answer is that although Paroh has not come to a full awareness of these three fundamental principles, by the end of the Parsha he has begun to acknowledge the veracity of these ideas. After the plague of hailstorms has all but destroyed the Egyptian land, Paroh exclaims to Moses חטאתי הפעם, ה' הצדיק ואני ועמי הרשעים, ‘I have sinned, H’ is righteous and my People and I are wicked’. This amounts to the acceptance that there is indeed an infinite and omnipotent G-D. This is not just another step in the process of the ten plagues; this is a significant milestone in the Redemption as a whole and serves as a most appropriate place to end the Parsha.
The Blog site is amazing please visit it on


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