
Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Ten Commandments Part II


The Kli Yakar on the 10 Commandments learnt tonight  27/1/2013 with Rabbi Turnheim of the Yad V’Chesed Institution Jerusalem
Hi all I’m bursting with enthusiasm as Rav Turnheim and I were talking words of Torah and he looked up a Kli Yakar and gave me such powerful insight into the connection – which I had a feeling existed but was not fully satisifed.

The two pairs that did not sit well with me were 3 & 8 and 5 and 10 - well the good news is now that problem is solved read more below:

1 corresponded with 6;
2 with 7; and
3 with 8,  (MORE INSIGHT Read below) 
4 with 9 and
5 with 10 (MORE INSIGHT Read below)
1. Know the L-rd your G-d who took you out of Egypt and bondage
2. You must have no other G-d's beside me.
3. Do not say G-d's name in vain
4. Keep and Honour the Sabbath
5. Honour your parents
You must not murder.
You must not commit adultery
You must not steal.
You must not bear false witness against your neighbour.
You must not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbour’s. - Thought (corresponds to honouring your parents, if you truly appreciate the goodness and the gift of life and those whom bestowed it to us - we will count our blessings and this gratitude will help us maintain a good eye without getting jealous of our fellow human beings. (this is my own interpretation)

The insight I learnt tonight on 3 and 8
The Kli Yakar points out if a person steals and gets himself into trouble, if he is then taken to court he may very well end up using Hashem’s name in vain or swear falsely – in order to escape a nasty verdict – wow how simple was that connection, but I needed the geniuses of the past to highlight it!
The second insight which was given over to me by Rav Turnhein was on 5 & 10
He told me something really brilliant, yes most of us do honour our parents they provide for us and look after us well so it is quite easy for us etc. but  sometimes in life we are not always blessed with righteous loving parents yet based on the command we need to still honour them, this is an instruction - Hashem tells us in spite of them not being the best people in the world you need to have faith in Hashem who selected them for you – accept this is your lot in life, grow from the experience and be good in spite of the situation with this understanding now it is easy to connect the 5th command with the last one not to covet, if a person accepts his lot in life – then he is not going to be jealous of others !

At the end of our daily prayer services we normally say Aleinu (it is our duty) and there is an interesting verse towards the end (Veyakablu Kulam es Oyel Malchusecha) which translated means "and accept with all (our heart) the yolk of your kingship." that both the good and the seemingly bad come from Hashem even though we don't always understand, we must try move forward accept the decree with love and that will be the start of dark diminshing and the lights arrival.  We should all know only good things.

Thank you for taking of your precious time in reading my words...


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