
Monday, July 15, 2013

Devarim and Tisha Be Av



Parasha Devarim and the sad day of Tisha Be Av


The book of Deuteronomy is a repetition of the earlier sedras it is also known as Mishna Torah, (Mishna means study or review) it is a detailed review of the events and occurrences that had happened to the Israelite nation prior to entering into the holy land of Israel.


For Moshe Rabbeinu who at the outset of the redemption confessed he felt he was not the man for the job, if you recall the conversation at the burning bush event, where he objected to being chosen as a redeemer as he found it difficult to talk, stating he is not a man of words: well Moshe had indeed come a long way on concluding his life mission successfully; the entire book of Devarim is full of Moshe’s words delivered in front of the entire nation. I think we can learn from here that holy work is enabled with the help of heaven; we don’t need to be scared even when we do have a disability of sorts, Moshe's love of G-d and the Nation more than compensated for his speech impediment.


The sedra section 1 deals with Moshe rebuking the nation it starts with Moshe naming the various locations of the sins of the nation. Veiled rebuke, just mentioning the places or hinting to the sins of the prior years, as Rabbi Aurbach points out this is indicative of the depth of the members of the Israel, he wanted to avoid unnecessary embarrassment it was enough to plant the seed of repentance for the multitude of mistakes made in our travels, just by mentioning the locations or hinting at the events for example Lavan – is white referring to the complaint about the Mun – the food provided to us by    G-d, Tofel is a veiled reference to slandering. We learn from here, the best way to rebuke someone of any substance is not to be aggressive and put them on the defensive, but to be subtle and appeal to the noble soul of a person.


I suggest you look up and see how special the land is in Hashem’s eyes jump to Ch 11 (upcoming Parsha read v 8 to v 12).  We see here a glimpse of the extent of the Sin of the spies who gave a bad report of this promised Land.


Moshe states how we need to adhere to the word and commandments while in the land for it not to reject us. The evil report back all those 40 years earlier is a hint to why so much pain befell our nation and resulted in Tisha be Av. We were warned that this day would be marked as a sad day as a result of us rejecting Hashem and the gift of the Land.


What is the big deal about sinning in the land or being scared of giant’s my gut feel is to a young child someone less mature – not too bad that is why only those older than 20 years were punished, if the adults had not been party to witnessing the most astonishing miracles, with this closeness and exposure came a keener expectation of the nation, and a greater need to be submissive and expectation to move away from self, to create a peaceful world that Hashem wants for all us.   G-d is merciful but the world is run by rules to keep everything in balance, the closer you are to the King the more careful you need to behave.


Rabbi Wassertzug once told me a human being who goes against G-d is worse than a gnat at the time of carrying out a sin, at that moment a gnat is better than him, why? The gnat lives according to the will of Hashem he has no choice, yet we can fall much lower - a result of having been given free choice.


Deuteronomy Ch 1 vs. 26


You did not want to go up (we see the Torah always refers to entry into Israel with the terms of going UP indicative of the status of the holiness of the place which is closest to the heavenly gates as described by Jacob when he goes to sleep and dreams of Angels going up and down a ladder at that Awesome place – connecting the physical with the spiritual)


V29; 30

Do not be broken or afraid of them, the L-rd your G-d Who goes before you, he will fight for you, just as he did in Egypt before your very eyes


Moses reminds us how we were carried and looked after in a very hazardous wilderness by Hashem.


V32 But regarding the matter, you did not believe the L-rd your G-d.


Moses reminds us of how G-d sent the Fire by night (providing light and warmth) and the clouds by day (Shade and directions to guide us where to go.). Open wonders like the Mun which fell each and every day. Yet we still lacked faith.


Moses then reminds us that the nation was punished as a consequence, despite knowing all Hashem had done for us, not having faith in him and being disheartened at hearing the spies evil report back, except for Caleb and Joshua, all the other 10 were labelled Evil.


Moses reminds them, that after being punished, the nation realised their sin and wanted to enter (again now lack of faith is exchanged for disobedience), but Hashem in the name of YKVK (merciful G-d) warns them not to go up, as they no longer have the merits to inherit the land...



Neither go up nor fight for I am not among you, lest you be stuck down…


V43 you did not listen you rebelled


We once again ignore Moshes words (and those of Hashem) and go UP to be vanquished.


Moshe talks to the nation after conquering the great Sichon proof that Hashem was on our side prior to the nation finally entering the good Land – it even mentions the dimensions of the enemy Og's iron bed, an illustration the nation should be heartened they could survive battling such a being, so the people will not fear and realise their fate is controlled by a power beyond this world provided they remain close to him and adhere to his will.


Ch2 v 2

And the L-rd said to me “Do not fear him, I have given him, all his people, and his land in your hand, and you should do to him as you did to Sichon, king of the Ammorites…


The connection of this reading falling before Tisha be Av is, when the spies gave an evil report we the nation cried, we are told the day will be set aside as a day for crying.



What happened on Tisha Be Av


Both temples were destroyed, our expulsion from the land to Babylonian by the Babylonian army, and later by the Roman Army!


Bar Kochba and his army fell at Betar with over 540 000 of our kinsman killed!


Spanish Expulsions and Pogroms


The start of World war 1 that resulted in WW2 and holocaust where over 6million Jews perished


Lamentations written well before all the above events details with chilling accuracy the events that occurred.


We should also be glad of heart and spirit as if the negative came about as foreseen and foretold then surely so too will the positive prophecies.


We read the Haftorah this past Shabbos, the words of Isaiah as he foretells his Chazon (meaning Vision) the name we give to the Sabbath prior to Tisha Be Av here he details his vision of the temple being destroyed, due to the superficial worship, actions not for the sake of heaven, and open hypocrisy that was forcing the Shechina away at the time he wrote the words.


Isaiah states in the vision - even an Ox knows his owner, but we have lost sight and knowledge of G-d. Isaiah ch1 verse 3.


The prophet laments the lack of justice, and reminisces to the days of purity and goodness in the good land.


Isaiah V18

Come let’s reason together, said the L-rd; though your sins be like scarlet, they will become white as snow, although they are red like crimson they will become as wool.



If you will be willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the Land.



If you still refuse and rebel, you will be devoured with the sword, for the mouth of G-d has spoken it.


On the positive if we see the same vision of prophet Isaiah 1 ch 27


Zion will be redeemed with Judgement and her converts with righteousness


Only G-d understands the terrible tragedies that have befallen his people, we cannot, but what we must try as best to hold onto our faith during the darkness and improve where ever we can…


We go onto to read Isaiah ch 55 and 56 in the Afternoon of Tisha Be Av and this is the beginning of the comforts that not all is lost, as we were promised we will not be destroyed completely and the remnant will repent and and return to the land after the bitter exiles- that is us, we will gather back into Israel and the Law and covenant will stand followed by everlasting goodness.

Please G-d may it be in our generation.

PS There is many hidden secrets in the star signs, the month of Av is the month of the LION, the temple was shaped like a Lion too...what follows is Elul the month of purity and return, the star sign of this month is a Virgin, and then ... the sign is scales - the month of Rosh Hashona, Tishrei the new year where our actions are measured ...:)


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