
Monday, March 18, 2013

Vayikra ch 2 v 11 honey thank you!



The message of Salt and Honey!
Vayikro ch 2 v 11
All meal offerings that you bring to Hashem are not to be made Leavened, because all sourdough and all honey you should not burn from them a fire offering to Hashem.
The Lesson: When we live our lives we need to be genuine:

I heard a beautiful vort on Sunday given over by Rabbi Badiel who is a judge on the South African Bais Din. A fascinating insight on all offerings we bring salt, but on this particular meal offering we learn in Vayikra Ch2 v 11 it states all meal offerings should not be leavened (on my last post we read humility is the antithesis of leaven), the verse finishes with a statement no honey or sourdough allowed either! The wonderful answer reason is  salt brings out the taste of the food it is eaten with, it brings out the true essence and the true taste, the true persona,  honey on the other hand is a sweetner, it is external and independent of the food's taste and the essence of the food that is to be eaten with it. Sometimes when we are starting out on our spiritual journey we still need some outside sweetness to keep us going, but ultimately true service is when our motives are pure and unselfish for the sake of heaven, no personal agendas -us motivated with a desire to come close and serve our creator the cause of all causes, this will enhance our relationship with G-d almighty being true to ourselves to him and to those around us, our prayers and actions should reflect our essence our truest self and our speech and actions and ultimately our thoughts should reflect heartfelt honesty, this is what G-d desires!

Another insight I learnt from Rabbi Ehrman my son’s rabbi, is that a person who knows a lot of Torah but does not live a life of kindness and good deeds (G-d forbid) is compared to a decaying carcass, we are not allowed to touch it, it is impure and full of germs it contaminates those who touch it, in the same way a learned person not possessing basic decency has many people looking up to him due to his superior knowledge and the danger is ultimately they may come to follow his ways, like bad germs to their detriment.  So when choosing a Rabbi bearing in mind it is always good to give the benefit of any doubt, and question when we find actions unacceptable, –as the saying goes come close to a Rabbi who is a Salt of the earth kind of person i.e. and not containing leaven (Arrogance) or honey (false sweetner).

May we all be successful in our Growth enjoying our seder and coming closer with truth and heartfelt desire!

Chag Kasher ve Sameach!!!


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