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Parsha Ki Savo Deuteronomy Ch26 v 1 to Ch 29 v8
The hidden VAV in Parshas Ki Savo
Rabbi Wasserzug pointed out in
the parsha, I think in the name of Rabbi Bachya, in two places the sedra talks about forces capable of overtaking us, good ones i.e. Blessings and bad one's i.e. Curses, in both places
the same word is used Vehisigoochah (it is Hebrew and means to reach us or overtake us).
Go to Deuteronomy Chapter
28 V 2 Blessings
All these blessings will
come upon you and will reach you Vehisiygoochah when you obey YkVavk
(G-d of mercy), your G-d (master creator).
Now go to Deuteronomy Ch 28
Should you not obey YkVavK
your G-d to guard and perform all his commandments and His statutes that I am
commanding you today (i.e. the today seems superflous, but it is to teach us even this day i.e. they should be forever standing); then all these
curses will come and reach you Vehisiygoochah.
If you look at the word for
overtake/ reach Vehisiygoochah in Ivrit/Hebrew regarding the Blessings/ Brochas
it is written without a VAV in ch 28 verse 2. When the Torah lower down talks about Klalot or
curses, the word overtake in Hebrew/Ivrit is written with a VAV see ch 28 verse 15. Rabbi Bachya
ha Kodesh indicated this represents the VAV of Hashem’s name of Mercy, the message I think is YkVavK
feels and is with us through the misfortune Klalot, ,it teaches us G-d will always remain with us in our suffering, he waits and longs for our return and or connection to him, both in good and bad times, at a time of suffering too many feel alone, Hashem is totally hidden at these times -but the Torah is teaching us he is there with us, we should know he is there,
wanting us to connect with him and to turn to him, to cry with and be with him together, so undertake to do so and and if we can find the strength to connect in the pain, we are
already on track to rekindling the blessings we all desire so much, for is not the greatest blessing in this world being connected to G-d, the G-d of Mercy our father in Heaven. Many of our most righteous forefathers suffered but they used this suffering (Not on us, please) to draw closer to Hashem.
“. . . Because you did not
serve Hashem, your G-d, amid gladness and goodness of heart, when everything
was abundant.” (28:47)
If we have no pain and suffering, if we are blessed enough to have it relatively ok we should appreciate all that we have and show it. Ask any very sick person what they would do to be healthy again, how small other peoples problems, that they complain about, seem to them, we need to be grateful that we have health. Elul is a good time to look upward and take on new commitments as a gesture of our wanting to return, it is a powerful tool and time in turning our lives around for the better, and show our appreciation for all we have, all that is good, may we all return speedily and be accepted and only know and see blessings, like good healthy and happy and grateful people all around. And even G-d forbid when challenged to try and appreciate what ever good you can find, to teach others around you what they have to be so grateful for, and attempt to bring light to the world, out of the darkness, all the time knowing that Yk VAV k is with us, and will help us recitfy his creation but we need to always strive to do so, this is the purpose of the physical world of striving. My Rabbi, Rabbi Wasserzug states that it says in the passuk, we will come to Le Olam ha ba (to the world to come) the passuk does not say "Be -Beis into, it says Lamed to" i.e we go to our Olam Haba, he explains if it said Be Olam ha ba, it means we would come to a world of light that is already there, no he teaches it says Lamed - to, to teach us, that every merit and good deed we do, we are actually creating the light of our future world to come, to be enjoyed in the next world the spiritual world.
If we know our life is currently full of blessings, if we are healthy, it is such a gift just to be healthy, just to be alive, having the ability to do good deeds. Did you know of all the plauges in Egypt the ones involving killing were all carried out by G-d himself, why because G-d does not want us killing each other, we cannot possibly know when someone is deserving of death, and that is why the Jewish courts had such strict criteria and harldly ever carried out the horrible capital punishment spoken of in the Torah. The implication of it being written is for us to understand the severity of the sin, Chazal teach us never in the History of the world will a rebellious child be stoned to death..
If we are alive, we need to appreciate the value of being alive, if we have only a little but enough to give others less fortunate, what a blessing, tihes the first fruits is an obligation on everyone and what if we have an abundance of wealth (when everything is abundant we tend to lose appreciation for what we have, we then do not always see the VAV when everything is good and abundant (we wax fat, maybe that is why the VAV is absent when the blessings overtake us, and thus we cease to bring light into the world - we should know the antidote to wealth is appreciation and thanks for all we have directly to the bestower of all Good in the world, the cause of all causes G-d Almighty, king and ruler over creation blessed is he), to use the blessing for connection be careful of the so called self-made man syndrome, where we forget about the less fortunate around us. Remember it is often easier to find G-d and pray to him at a time of suffering and need, so remember if you are blessed, to say and show your appreciation and give thanks, the highest way is by your deeds, through them we rectify creation and by emulating G-d in bestowing some of that good on others, we partner with him in fulfilling the purpose of creation.
This is exactly why after inheriting the Land when we had the temple we brought the Bikkurim and the tithes the first of our produce, as we realize it is at such times of blessing when our fruits are enjoyed we now need to appreciate and say and show we thank you for the good that G-d you bestow on us, by giving the first of our blessings to the Priests and poor in our midst!
Ch 26 v1 and 2 When you inherit the Land and settle it, you are to take of all the first fruits that you bring from your land that YkVK is giving you, and place it in a basket and go to the place that YkVK your G-d chooses...
We then make a decleration about all the Good that Hashem has done for us, in bringing us to the land.
It is Elul, there is no better time than
now to connect with the King who comes out into the field, to our lowly physical world, out of the
palace on high and ready to welcome us to refresh our journey in striving to become his partner worthy of entering his
palace in true connection, the light of the World to come.
Have a good week may we all
be inscribed for a healthy good and blessed new year where we can connect and
repair the world to a point where G-d is revealed and no longer hidden, and if we suffer, to try use the pain to connect and to please G-d find the hidden Vav (G-d of Mercy) to help us, to carry us through our trials and find that light we all so dearly seek...